Fields: Add/Edit Search Field
Add/Edit Search Field lets you create or modify the definition of a search field. You can specify a default MARC Map and any PDF field properties for any search field.
If you are an administrator with the PRIV_SEARCH_FIELDS privilege, you can edit a limited set of options of the default search fields that are delivered by SirsiDynix. Editable fields are noted below. |
If you add or edit a search field, or if you edit the MARC Map properties for a search field, you must re-index your data and refresh the Discovery search cache. Your changes are not reflected in Searching or the Admin console until you refresh the search cache. For more information about refreshing the Discovery search cache, see Refreshing the search cache. |
Search Configuration > Search Fields > Add Search Field or Edit icon
Specifies a unique code for the search field (up to 30 characters). This code is used to identify the search field on the Search Fields page and on any other pages that display the search field code.
Codes are displayed in all upper case letters. If you enter lower case alphanumeric characters for the code, the software automatically converts them to upper case when the code is displayed.
Note: This value must be unique. If you enter a code that is already being used elsewhere on the system and try to save the search field, the software displays an error message indicating that the value must be unique, and informing you that the value you entered is already being used for another search field.
Specifies the system name of the search field (up to 80 characters) for the specified language. This name is used to identify the search field on the Search Fields page and on any other pages in the Admin console that display the search field name.
For this field, you can also specify an alternate name for a specific language. Choose the language from the drop-down list of supported languages in the Admin console, then enter the localized name in the field.
Note: If your web browser is configured to use a display language that is not supported by Portfolio and you have chosen to display the Admin console in a language other than the default language (en_US), the language that displays in the drop-down list of supported languages defaults to US English.
If a localized name already exists for a specific language, the software displays that language name differently in the drop-down list. When you enter a localized name for a specific language, the language name appears with a “++” suffix. If you clear the localized name for a specific language, the software displays the language name without the different formatting.
Note: If you have the required privilege, you can edit this option in default search fields.
Specifies a text description of this search field (up to 255 characters).
Note: This field is optional.
Note: If you have the required privilege, you can edit this option in default search fields.
Specifies whether the search field is a parent or child field. For library type information, a “parent” field is one that comes from the MARC bib record itself; a “child” field is one that comes from the embedded item records.
For example, the TITLE search field would be a parent field because this information appears on the bib record; the COPY field would be a child field because this information appears on the item record that is linked to the bib record.
Specifies whether the accompanying display code for a search field is global or site-specific. For more information about setting up display codes, see Managing display codes.
Display Code Type
Specifies how display codes are used with this field. The display code text is defined in Display Codes (see Managing display codes).
You have these options:
Option | Description |
None |
Display Codes are not used for this search field. |
Global |
Applies the display codes to all search source sites. |
Site |
Applies the display codes for specific search source sites. |
Derived |
Do not use. |
Use Search Field as an index
Specifies whether to use the search field as an index. If you enable this option, then the data in this search field will be searchable; if you disable this option, then the data in this search field will only be displayed.
Important: If you create or modify a search field and enable or disable this option, you need to re-index the data for any search source with which you associate this search field.
Specifies the normalizer to use when normalizing the data contained in the search field. By default, Portfolio provides several normalizers.
You can choose these options:
Option | Description |
Author Normalizer |
A normalizer that convert an author's name from a last-name-first format (Twain, Mark) to a standard format (Mark Twain) by scanning a string for the first occurrence of a comma, then reversing the two terms and separating them with a space. This normalizer ensures that a search of an author's full name will produce the same results, regardless of whether the first or last name is entered first. If multiple commas are found in the string, then only the first is considered. Any other commas are ignored and eliminated from the normalized string. For example, if the original string reads "Clemens, Samuel, Langhorn," then the normalized string will read "Samuel Langhorn Clemens." |
Electronic Access Normalizer |
A MARC 21-based normalizer that looks for the output of the “ELECTRONIC_ACCESS” MARC Map, where subfields u, y, and 3 of the 856 tag are extracted, and each subfield is delimited by the following format: <subfield_x>subfield x text</subfield_x> This normalizer uses the information in each subfield to return a usable URL. |
Format Normalizer |
A normalizer that converts the output from the “FORMAT” MARC Map into a smaller set of values. Portfolio then converts the output to a value used for determining the Format icon and Format facet values. If Portfolio does not recognize the output, it returns the original string. For instance, this normalizer enables Portfolio to label a book as a book and assigns it the corresponding Format icon. |
ISBN Normalizer |
A normalizer that looks for the first 10-digit or 13-digit ISBN in the value. If a 13-digit ISBN is found, then Portfolio returns that value. If a 10-digit ISBN is found, it converts it to a 13-digit ISBN and returns the 13-digit ISBN. If neither a 10 or 13-digit ISBN is found, Portfolio returns the original string. For example, if the original string is 0-060-17739-X, then Portfolio returns 9780060177393. |
ISSN Normalizer |
A normalizer that looks for the 8-digit ISSN, ignoring spaces and hyphens. If an 8-digit value is found, Portfolio returns that value (with any spaces or hyphens removed); if no 8-digit value is found, Portfolio returns the original string. For example, if the original string is 0361-977x, then Portfolio returns 0361977X. |
Language Normalizer |
A normalizer that looks for any sets of three-letter lower case language codes. Portfolio returns any values that it finds and delimits them by space. For example, “engfre” would be returned as “eng fre.” If no three-letter lower case string is found, Portfolio returns an empty string. |
LCCN Normalizer |
A normalizer that removes all spaces and considers only the characters up to the first “/” (if any). If Portfolio finds a hyphen in the value, it takes the portion to left of the hyphen. If the portion is less than 6 characters, Portfolio pads the value with zeroes to the right. For example, 47000845 //r86 would become 47000845. If Portfolio does not find a hyphen in the value, it takes the characters up to the “/”. If the result is a valid LCCN value, then it returns the value; otherwise Portfolio returns the original string. |
Lexile Measure Normalizer |
A MARC 21 normalizer that takes the output of the “LEXILE MEASURE” MARC Map, where the 521 tag exists and has both subfields a and b, and each subfield is delimited by the following format: <subfield_x>subfield x text</subfield_x> If the subfield b text is either “Lexile” or “Metametrics,” and if subfield a contains a numeric portion between the values of “0” and “2000,” Portfolio returns that numeric portion; otherwise Portfolio returns an empty string (as if there was no 521 tag in the MARC record). For instance, if the value in the subfield is 400, Portfoliowill return that number. However, if the original value is "Second Grade," Portfoliowill return an empty string. |
OCLC Normalizer |
A normalizer that removes all leading spaces in OCLC data and converts the string to lower case. For instance, OCM12345678 becomes 12345678
If the string does not meet any these conditions, Portfolio returns the original value of the string. |
Pub. Date Normalizer |
A normalizer that returns a 4-digit year, generally in ascending sequence, and delimited by spaces. If Portfolio cannot interpret the publication date value, it returns an empty string. |
Pub. Date Range Normalizer |
A normalizer that invokes the Pub Date Normalizer to get the range(s) of years, delimited by commas and spaces. Portfolio collapses publication dates into ranges, in descending sequence of ranges, but ascending within a range (such as 2007-2009, 2005, 2003, 1999-2001). If the range of dates is more than 100 years, the normalizer includes the first publication year as well as the last 100 years. For example, if an item was published annually from 1890 to 2015, the publication date range would be 1890, 1916-2015). |
Normalizers are also used with specific default MARC Maps. For more information about which normalizers are used with specific default MARC Maps, see Search field properties.
Data Type
Specifies whether the value of the data in the search field is a string or integer.
Specifies how to sort the data contained in the search field. You can choose to sort by ascending or descending order, or you can choose “None” to refrain from sorting the data.
Search Field may have multiple values
Specifies whether or not the search field can have multiple values. If you enable this option, Portfolio will display all values in the search field, if a search field contains more than one value. For example, if you are setting up a search field for Electronic Access and you enable this option, Portfolio will display multiple electronic access URLs when patrons see items in their search results.
Split multiple values by a space
Specifies whether to separate multiple values in a search field with a single space.
Note: This option is disabled if you do not enable the Search field may have multiple values option.
Use Search Field as a facet
Specifies whether to use this search field as a facet. If you enable a search field as a facet, you need to enable that facet for a particular profile in order for the search field to appear and function as a facet in Searching. For more information, see Configuring the facet display for a search profile.
Important: If you create or modify a search field and enable or disable this option, you need to re-index the data for any search source with which you associate this search field.
Can only narrow by this facet once
Specifies whether to display this facet after it has been used to narrow search results.
If you enable this option, then when patrons narrow their search results by a value in this facet, the facet does not display as an option next to the search results unless the patron removes the facet. If you disable this option, then when patrons narrow their search results by a value in this facet, the facet will still appear as an option next to the search results—even though the patron has already narrowed their search results by a value from that facet.
Display Type
Specifies how the value of the search field should be displayed and what, if any behavior, the value should invoke.
For example, if you create a search field to display electronic resources, you might specify the “Hypertext” display type for that search field so that when patrons see the URL (in this case, the value for this search field), it displays as a hyperlink and links directly to the resource.
Important: If you subscribe to EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) and you wish to display the Source field, you should change the Display Type to “None” for the SOURCE search field. By default, the SOURCE field Display Type is set to “Hypertext”; however, the text string sent by EDS_SOURCE is not a URL. If the SOURCE field is left as “Hypertext,” Portfolio produces an error when a user chooses the Source link of an EDS_SOURCE item.
Note: If you have the required privilege, you can edit this option in default search fields.
You can choose from these types:
Option | Description |
None |
Displays the value of the search field as display text. This is the default for new search fields. |
Hypertext |
Displays the value of the search field as hypertext. |
General search |
Displays the value of the search field as hypertext and launches a new search based on the search field value. |
Field-specific search |
Displays the value of the search field as hypertext and launches a new search by that particular field based on the search field value. For example, if the Author field is used and the value returned is Shakespeare, William, then clicking on the hyperlink would launch a new search that returned results for Shakespeare, William in the Author field but not in the Title or Subject fields. Note: If a field is edited to use this display type, you must run the index task for the affected data sources to ensure that the linked search returns results the way that it should. |
Raw Html |
Displays the value of the search field as HTML. |
Facet |
Restricts the author or subject link to search for the author or subject as a facet. This can be included in the search results display, detail display, or both as defined in the search field (for more information, see Fields: Add/Edit Search Field). Note: The Use Search Field as a facet checkbox must also be selected to enable this functionality. Failure to do so returns a validation error. |
Table |
Displays the value of the search field as a table. Important: The Table Display Type is intended for data that has been formatted to display as a table, such as a table of contents. This includes certain fields available as extra content through subscription. You should also use this option if you find that some fields are being listed together on the same line. Table will list each field on a separate line, such as with 690 and 691 fields that otherwise would all be listed on the same line. |
Can be used on the Search Results Display
Specifies whether this search field can be used in a search results display. If you allow a search field to be used on a search results display, you need to configure a search display to use that search field in order for the search field to display in Searching. For more information, see Managing search result displays.
Important: If you create or modify a search field and enable or disable this option, you need to re-index the data for any search source with which you associate this search field.
Important: Adding a search field to the search results display increases the search time for patrons.
Note: If you have the required privilege, you can edit this option in default search fields.
Can be used on the Detail Display
Specifies whether this search field can be used in a detail display. If you allow a search field to be used on a detail display, you need to configure a detail display to use that search field in order for the search field to display in Searching. For more information, see Managing search result displays.
Note: If you have the required privilege, you can edit this option in default search fields.
Detail Tab
Specifies the tab on which a field designated as a Detail Display will be found. While the “Main” tab displays data from your ILS, the other tabs primarily display enhanced content from other sources such as Syndetics ICE.
You have a choice from these tabs.
Tab | Description |
Main |
Displays the basic details of the item, including title and author, if relevent, and other selected information. |
Summary |
Displays descriptive essays; biographies related to the item; location, timeframe, character, and fiction profiles; and genre classification for the item. |
Reviews |
Displays critical essays about the item. |
Contents |
Displays the table of contents or track listing of the item. |
Excerpts |
Displays snippets of text from the item. |
Unless there is at least one field designated for a tab, it will not display in the Searching interface.
Note: If you have the required privilege, you can edit this option in default search fields.
Special Processing
Enables special processing to be done with the search field. Some special processing options require that specific fields be included in the search target in order to complete the process.
Option | Description | Required Fields |
None |
Does not add any special processing. |
None |
Available Child |
Checks child fields to determine if an item is available. This process checks subfield "n" for the number and "r" for the value "N" (Not available). If the item has a number and is available, the process then checks subfields "k" and "l" to determine if the item is at an available location. |
None |
Available Parent |
Checks parent fields to determine if an item is available. The process sums up the number of child items that were found to be available (see "Available Child," above). It then determines availability by library. |
Available Count |
Checks parent fields to determine if an item is available, similar to "Available Parent" above. The process sums up the number of child items that were found but does not determine availability by library. |
None |
Callnumber |
Retrieves the first call number available at each library that has the item and displays it with the title in the search results. For more information, see Displaying shelf number in search results and detail displays. |
Initial Author |
Retrieves only the first author value. |
Subsequent Author |
Retrieves every author value except the first one. |
Initial Subject |
Retrieves only the first subject value. |
Subsequent Subject |
Retrieves every subject value except the first one. |
Initial Title |
Retrieves only the first title value. |
Subsequent Title |
Retrieves every title value except the first one. |
Title Author |
Combines the primary title and the primary author. This option will only return a value if there is at least one title and one author for the item. |
AFL Library |
Takes each child library value and adds them as individual Afl Library fields. |
Serials Holding |
Acts as a normalizer so that the serials holding field contains a displayable value. |
None |
Child Type |
Adds the child type as a field for items and serials holdings. For more information on holding child fields and item child fields, see Fields: Select Fields for a Detail Display. |
None |